We provide updated instructions on how to install TotalFinder here and TotalSpaces2 here. Apple also provided some information here. If you want more information about SIP, see wikipedia. It is entirely your decision to modify or temporarily modify the settings. Your machine may be less secure when System Integrity Protection is not running. We know this is disappointing, and that some people will not want to do this. This means that in order to run our apps on macOS Mojave you have to keep SIP turned off. Unfortunately, with macOS 10.14 Mojave this is no longer the case - Apple have changed their verification code so that our plugin cannot possibly work with SIP turned on even if it is installed in the trusted locations that worked before. This was possible because the installation process would install our plugin components in trusted locations whilst SIP was turned off, allowing the user to turn SIP back on again after installation. In this post from 2017 we talked about how we found a way to run our apps TotalFinder and TotalSpaces2 with System Integrity Protection (SIP) turned on.